Monday, October 11, 2010

Change equals progress!

I am blogging again after a short, but busy hiatus. Before I begin, I want to congratulate FMP Clients Dan Maisano and Danny Barber on their progress toward their current goals!  FMP trainers' comprehensive diet plans make it simple and easy, whether you are trying to lose weight or gain muscle. Now without further ado...

Today's blog is really a question I field constantly in the gym. I consistently give the same answer. In any successful exercise program, one of the most important things is change. Whether it's changing weight, reps, the exercise, or the split, change must be made.

Change allows your body to grow. By shocking the muscle, you force it to adapt and change every couple of weeks. This allows you to make continued progress with your program without hitting the dreaded "plateau" that many exercise enthusiasts slam into during their training. This plateau is a point at which you no longer progress, whether in weight loss, muscle gain or strength.  Some feel this is a wall they will never surmount. Due to a lack of knowledge, they don't alter the variables of their program. The result: They never seem to get anywhere.

So, be like a good cashier and MAKE CHANGE.

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