Everyone wants that perfect body, yet no one trains for it. Does this make sense? I continually see people take on training programs that have nothing to do with their goals. The "average Joe" in the gym wants to lose fat and get that lean athletic beach bod -- not an uncommon goal, right? Yet, he's doing hypertrophy (muscle building protocols) out of the latest issue of Muscular Development. How are you supposed to get a metabolic benefit from a heavy-load, weight-training protocol that calls for two-to-six reps with a three-to-five minutes of rest between each of the six sets? That's an easy question... You don't!
To lose body-fat percentage, you need (1.) proper nutrition and (2.) metabolic substance in your workouts. Which means you should add high-intensity exercises to burn the maximum amount of calories. Exercises such as complexes, burpees, mountain climbers thrusters, and kettle-bell swings are perfect for raising the metabolic value of your workout. Which is the reason why I created the Monster Training System.
Monster training system is about being efficient, functional, and pushing your limits. The compound movements are designed to utilize your entire body. These movements works you both in an aerobic and anaerobic state to give you the most fat incinerating, metabolic workout of your life!
Here is an example of a MTS workout is the Elevator, to perform the movement correctly remember to keep your hips down and back flat with shoulders retracted on all dead lifts and squats. The ELEVATOR is a Power clean, over head reverse lunge x2, front squat, dead lift. All of these movement are done together creating one compound.

Today's monster workout
Elevators 10
Lateral step ups 12
Plank shuffle with row 20
Box jumps 10
Pull-ups 15
Russian Ball slams 30
Complete the workout as quickly as possible keep your rest to a minimum. Train hard get results become a MONSTER!
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