Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Change is progress!

Well the workouts are BACK!!!  I took a brief hiatus from posting the workouts of the day because I wanted to do a little more thinking on the "Monster Training System".  I felt the name "Monster" was a bit intimidating and unflattering to what the system actually was.  MTS is a system that is designed to be a metabolic workout that not only helps you decrease body fat significantly through metabolic compounds, but also incorporate corrective and core exercises to increase mobility help with pain with the assistance of utilizing functional movement patterns.  It is a program that dares to be different.  

After some thought, I decided to change the name to MetCom Fitness Training System, which is so simple it was right in front of my face the entire time.  Now for the MTS workout of the day "The Walking Dead"  

Today's compound are "walking deads" it consists of 2 walking lunges followed by a overhead squat.  Each overhead squat counts as 1 rep.  Remember each set of 3 is done in 3 consecutive rounds! 


Walking Deads 12reps
Pullups              12reps
Full Sit-ups        25reps

Rest 2min 

Deadlift            24reps
Bentover Row 12reps
Leg Lowering  20 each side 

Enjoy!  Comments are always welcome 
To Book an appointment call 610 804 0841 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

MTS workout of the day

Hey Monsters in training!  Man, I have been incredibly sore from these workouts I had to take a couple stretching/ cardio days to recover.  Its Tuesday and we are back at it, today's focus is the chest! 

kamikaze's 15
Wall walks  10
Sunrise pushups 20

KB swings     25
Incline Press 10
Mountain X-overs 30

Enjoy the workout any questions email dspencer.premier@Gmail.com
To book an appointment with Dfit in West Chester,pa call 610-804-0841

Monday, April 9, 2012

One Simple Step

Want to lose weight?  Don’t change what you eat, that comes later. Change how you eat!

The one simple step to losing weight subconsciously is to change your dinnerware!

Sizes have plumped up considerably since the 1970s. Most of us now eat on 12-inch plates in contrast to the previous 10-inch standard. What's the cost of those extra two inches? According to smallplatemovement.org, “if a typical dinner is 800 calories, a smaller plate would lead to a weight loss of 18 lbs. per year for the average adult.” I can think of lots of people who would love to lose almost 20 pounds without even trying!
D Fit just attended the WC Press networking event at Doc McGrogans' on Gay Street in downtown West Chester, PA. The first table was full of eager business people ready to share what they did for a living and how they could help the world.  When I sidled up to the table I was told the first thing everyone does when a personal trainer approaches is to drop the food in their mouths and announce they feel guilty for eating. I laughed and shook my head. "I'm not here to judge," I chorled. After the introductions, a guy across the table blurted "What's the one thing that I can do to lose weight?"  Taken aback, I gulped and said the first thjing that popped into my head, "Portion control," That's the Number One issue we face in our battle against "diet.".
We use larger glasses for drinking, which has led to an increase in liquid calories ingested on top of more in daily food calories. The larger the plate you serve your food on the more likely you are to fill it, if you just do something as simple as changing the size of the plate you are using you immediately reduction in calories.
If you are drinking anything besides water use a glass that only holds 8oz. so you can always visually see a standard serving size. Use bowls no bigger than five inches and plates no bigger than ten. Just making this one small switch will help you control your portion sizes without having to think about it. Also, no cheating and piling food on your plate. If you mindfully do this then you need to address why you feel you need to eat that much. Dinnerware with a clear distinct border helps prevent you from over-filling the sides of the plate which should be left clear. Do not fret about the cost of new dinnerware as you can always visit your local thrift store or use paper goods for cheaper alternatives. If you eat out be aware of the plates on which your food is served and try to down-size your portions accordingly.
In conclusion how you eat and approach food is a large part of your body composition. You may know someone classified as ‘skinny fat’. This is someone who eats mainly processed foods and has poor body composition (their body is more fat versus muscle). These people are thin but still are at a high risk for chronic disease because of their diet and lack of exercise. This is typical of all people with unhealthy lifestyle habits regardless of size. They are skinnier in comparison to their more obese counterparts because they eat real portions and only eat when they need to. They don’t starve themselves, but they don’t eat for their emotions either (or because they are bored).  Follow your regular diet and change your eating behaviors first. Then you can start to incorporate healthier choices and other lifestyle changes on your own personal path to health. Take it one step at a time. Why do you have to change behavior first? Because you can still be overweight on ‘healthy food’ due to over-eating and unaddressed eating triggers.

To book an appointment call 610-804-0841
Any questions e-mail D Fit @ dspencer.premier@gmail.com

Friday, April 6, 2012

MTS workout of the Day! Frankenstein Friday

Today's Compound is the FRANKENSTEIN!  It got its name from the feeling you get when your finished this monstrous compound.  The exercise goes like this... Power Clean, front squat and Press, Overhead Squat, Burpee, Push-up, Rollout!!  Scary huh?

Now to the Work-out
10 Deadlifts MAX effort 5 sets of 2

Frankenstein 30
On every minute 5 box jumps

Cool Down
Toe Touch Squats 10
Leg Lowering        10

Enjoy the workout!  I look forward to hearing everyone's feedback!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

MTS workout of the Day

Good morning monsters in training today's workout were hitting the GLADIATOR!

Gladiator               10 *power clean press, overhead squat, rev. lunge, front squat, dead lift, burpee, push up.
X-over push up   12
Sledge hammers 30
3 rounds

Kamikaze             10
Decline push up  25
Russian twist.     30
3 rounds

Train hard, get results become a monster!

Any questions email me at dspencer.premier@Gmail.com

Or call 610-804-0841 to book your appointment today!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Workout of the day

Hey monsters in training! Here is todays workout, were keeping it simple and hitting it hard!  Todays compound movement is what I like to call HANGERS and it consists of a hang clean to a front squat with a press.  Now when you attack this exercise you want to gauge you weight according to your weakest movement.  We are doing a total of 6 rounds today!

Hangers        15
Pull-ups        10
Plank Walks 30
3 rounds

Kettle Bell Swings 20
Bent over rows     12
1/4 Turks              30
3 rounds

Now you want do complete this is the quickest time for you I look forward to hearing everyones times and feedback on the workout!

Book an Appointment with Dfit and start your own Monster Training
Follow me on Facebook DFit Spencer
and on Twitter!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Train for Results

Everyone wants that perfect body, yet no one trains for it. Does this make sense? I continually see people take on training programs that have nothing to do with their goals. The "average Joe" in the gym wants to lose fat and get that lean athletic beach bod -- not an uncommon goal, right? Yet, he's doing hypertrophy (muscle building protocols) out of the latest issue of Muscular Development. How are you supposed to get a metabolic benefit from a heavy-load, weight-training protocol that calls for two-to-six reps with a three-to-five minutes of rest between each of the six sets?  That's an easy question... You don't!

To lose body-fat percentage, you need (1.) proper nutrition and (2.) metabolic substance in your workouts. Which means you should add high-intensity exercises to burn the maximum amount of calories. Exercises such as complexes, burpees, mountain climbers thrusters, and kettle-bell swings are perfect for raising the metabolic value of your workout.  Which is the reason why I created the Monster Training System.

Monster training system is about being efficient, functional, and pushing your limits.  The compound movements are designed to utilize your entire body. These movements works you both in an aerobic and anaerobic state to give you the most fat incinerating, metabolic workout of your life! 

Here is an example of a MTS workout is the Elevator, to perform the movement correctly remember to keep your hips down and back flat with shoulders retracted on all dead lifts and squats.  The ELEVATOR is a Power clean, over head reverse lunge x2, front squat, dead lift. All of these movement are done together creating one compound.

Today's monster workout
Elevators 10
Lateral step ups 12
Plank shuffle with row 20
Box jumps 10
Pull-ups 15
Russian Ball slams 30

Complete the workout as quickly as possible keep your rest to a minimum. Train hard get results become a MONSTER! 

Follow my blog for daily workouts!
Book an appointment    
Follow me on TWITTER and FACEBOOK                         

MTS workout of the day MANIAC MONDAYS

The week begins!  Let's start the week off with bang!  Todays workout is a tough one focusing on strength and metabolic condition... crazy right?  Some may even call you a maniac for even attempting such a feat.  With today workout were going to burning fat while tearing up and building your muscle, prepare to push yourself to your limits today.

Kamakazi            15 reps (Burpee, pushup, bent over row)
Bench Press           5 reps (Max load)
Baseball Rotations 30
3 rounds

20 yard sprints     5
Deadlift                5 (Max Load)
Hanging leg raise 15

Enjoy your MANIAC MONDAY workout; remember train hard, get results become a MONSTER

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sunday Funday MTS workout of the day

Good morning monsters in training, today's workout is will take your body to its limits and test you heart.  Today's compound movement is the Widow Maker this exercise involves every muscle group and provides intense metabolic stimulation.  To execute a widow maker grab dumbbells pick a weight you are able to perform overhead lunges with, take a deep breath and prepare yourself.  The widow maker is a burpee, warrior row, clean and press, overhead lunge,  front squat and press; like all compound these are done in succession!  Good luck, push hard, most of all DON'T QUIT!

MTS Workout
Widow Maker  10
Pull ups            10
Rope Climbers 30

Perform 7 rounds!  *Time limit 40 minutes

Train hard get results become a monster!